Github Wrapped API Documentation

Welcome to the Github Wrapped API documentation. This API is built using the Go programming language with the Fiber framework, leveraging GORM as the ORM for database connections. PostgreSQL is used as the main database, ensuring high performance and scalability. It connects directly to GitHub's platform using the user's Personal Access Token (PAT), providing detailed insights into user activity across both public and private repositories. The API ensures high performance, security, and transparency, without storing sensitive user data.

Below are the features of the API:

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How To Use:
  1. Generate a GitHub Personal Access Token (classic) with appropriate permissions.
  2. Make a POST request to the enpoint GET /generate with the following body structure:
  3. Use the id obtained from step number 2 to the GET /result endpoint.
Additional Notes:

Generation time for the data can vary significantly depending on the amount of data associated with the GitHub account. Users with extensive activity or large repositories may experience longer processing times.